The vision of smart cities is to marry advanced technologies and data analytics to create more efficient, sustainable, and livable urban environments. Around the globe, cities like New York, Barcelona, Singapore, and Amsterdam have proven the benefits of smart initiatives; like intelligent transportation systems, smart grids, and IoT-enable infrastructure.

Our Goal: Cultivate the Future

Zicali aims to enhance various aspects of urban life, including automated monitoring of city/state ordinances, facility occupancy and safety, building climate control efficiencies, smart parking, and much more.

By leveraging existing city/utility network assets, we are able to not only provide interoperable IoT sensors but we also develop custom applications tailored to specific smart city solutions.

Solution Examples

  • Industrial Discharge and Contaminant Monitoring, including Early Detection
  • School Occupancy and Disruptive Noise Monitoring
  • Smart Parking App to Reduce Traffic Congestion and Pollution
  • Flood Monitoring
  • Building Infrastructure Management
  • Pollution Monitoring